Budo is a matter of intense physical training coupled with deep contemplation and introspection. These writings are here shared to assist the reader in their own necessary reflections and to provide further insight in our dojo for the potential student.
A General Bibliography and the Issue of Translation
​​At What Cost Our Spirit​​
Etiquette and Imitation​​​​
Faith, Discipline, and Humility​
Group Discussion on Takuan Soho's "Fudochishinmyoroku"​
​On the Exchange, "Old Man Ueshiba"​
Rank Gains Meaning by Being Meaningless​
Revolutions with Nothing New​
Silence and the Mystification of Aikido Waza​
The Dark Nights of Spiritual Maturity​
The Ideological Myth of Aikido​
The Living Way: An Application of the Thinking of Thomas Merton to Budo Training​
Waiting For The Buddha Will Kill Your Art​
When Aikidoka Speak and the Silence that Ensues​
Why do we train? - A Conversation Between Two Teachers
​Aiki: Yielding and Unyielding Energies in Concentric Spirals​
A Retransliteration of Osensei's "Kannagara No Jutsu"
Beginning Weapons Training​​
Character Development for Children in the Martial Arts
"Founder did" does not mean "We do"​
Habitual and Actual Spontaneity​
Here, There, and Back Again - co-authored with Iseri Nobuo, Shihan​
​How to Make Sure Your Kids Suck at Aikido: A To-Do List
Katame-Waza and Control Maintenance​
Making Time and Finding Time - by Sean Sanders​
Modern Aikido - Aikido For Sale​
Nostalgic and Romantic Tendencies in our Training​
On Discussions - A Conversation Between Two Aikidoka​
Osensei, Omoto-kyo Theology, and Ichirei- Shikon-Sangen-Hachiriki
Remaining Powerful in the Face of Options to Remain Weak​
Suwari Waza Shomenuchi Ikkyo​
Technical and Martial Training​
The Complementary Roles of Uke and Nage​
The Nage/Uke Dynamic - Some Guidelines​
The Senpai/Kohai Model and Issues of Ego​
Tony Blauer's Premise for his SPEAR System is Wrong and Misleading
Not So Wonderful is what is Wonderful